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Zambian Rainbow Development Foundation (ZRDF) works within the established community based organizations represented by the smallholder farmers to increase productivity and increased yield. It aims to address the need of farmers to produce more outputs with reduced inputs of water, energy and nutrients whilst minimizing adverse environmental impacts on biodiversity, soil and water. Currently, ZRDF is providing support for soya beans, cow peas, sunflowers, groundnuts, breeding goats, beekeeping and honey marketing. In order to substantially improve incomes, to enable farmers to achieve their potential and become leaders and role models, to create employment, to provide more opportunities for and to mentor women farmers and to improve the nutritional value of the crops with a particular benefit for those who are HIV positive. 

ZRDF believes that productivity can be improved by the establishment of agricultural demonstration sites which involve:


  • the use of improved tools and implements.

  • improved seeds by selecting high yielding varieties.

  • plant protection through the use of herbicides and pesticides.

  • soil improvement through the use of appropriate fertilizers.

  • the use of  fertilizers to improve growth (for example organic manure)

  • better use of information technology for the selection of inputs and to achieve higher crop prices.

  • Partner with organizations promoting improved farming techniques and technologies.




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